00. You are toast! LEV 1.2
01. You are in a corridor.
02. You are in a hallway.
03. You are in a long corridor.
04. You are in a long hallway.
05. You are in a dim passage.
06. You are in a secret passage.
07. You are in a secret hallway.
08. You are by a Dungeon Entrance.
09. You are in a dead-end passage.
0a. You are at the Damon & Pythias Shoppe.
0b. You are not here!!!
0c. You are at the Retreat.
0d. You are at the Wizards of Chaos Guild.
0e. You are at the Guild of Order.
0f. You are at the Wizards of Law Guild.
10. You are at a strange machine.
11. You are at a stairway leading down.
12. You are in the Palace Prison.
13. You are at the Thieves' Guild.
14. You are in a well-lighted area.
15. You are in an open area.
16. You are in a treasure room.
17. You are in a musty room.
18. You are in a small room.
19. You are in a creepy room.
1a. You are in a large room.
1b. You are in a room with two doors.
1c. You are in a spacious room.
1d. You are in a secret room.
1e. You are in yet another small room.
1f. You are in another small room.
20. You are in a quiet area.
21. You are in a nondescript room.
22. You are in a dangerous area.
23. You are in a debris-littered room.
24. You are in a quiet room.
25. You are in The City's sewer system.
26. You are in a secret corridor.
27. You are by a stairway leading down.
28. You are in a typical Dungeon corridor.
29. You are at Der Rathskeller Bar & Grille
2a. You are in an enclosed booth.
2b. You are at the Palace entrance.

Zone 00: 00,1f-01,00
Zone 01: 01,00-20,20
Zone 02: 1f,01-0f,1f
Zone 03: 1e,1e-01,10
Zone 04: 1e,1d-17,01
Zone 05: 0f,17-1e,14
Zone 06: 01,10-14,13
Zone 07: 13,01-1a,14
Zone 08: 1d,13-01,14
Zone 09: 14,19-13,01
Zone 0a: 01,1f-09,15
Zone 0b: 02,03-15,06
Zone 0c: 0f,02-1b,10

Special Square Codes:
00-1F=Module (shoppe etc.)  20-7F=Effect/Dangerous
80-9F=Encounter 0-31        A0-BF=Treasure 0-31
C0-DF=Message 0-31          E0-FF=Teleport 0-31

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